Back in like 2006-2008, YouTube was just getting big, and I really enjoyed when people would upload game videos with commentary added. Even though I was SUPER shy and had no confidence in my speaking ability (especially when using a bad microphone and talking to no one in the room) I decided I’d try a […]
Archive for the ‘Special Event’ Category
Poemato CX Stream Magic Anniversary!
I was looking at old stuff and realized that today marks the 1 year anniversary of the day I showed off my first “stream magic” on Poemato CX! You might recall it was for Final Fantasy VI T-Edition, which was an amazing game by itself, but the whole poemato+game+chat connection really helped us level up […]
EarthBound Central Live – Camp Fangamer Special!
Camp Fangamer ended about two days ago, and so much happened! Poe and I spend this episode of EarthBound Central Live trying to remember it all, but it’s literally hard to remember everything! Thanks to all the Poemato CX people who were there for the streams! And thanks to everyone we met who were fans […]
Poemato CX Business Cards are Real!
We’re taking 100 Poemato CX business cards to Camp Fangamer this weekend and giving them away! If you talk to either of us, we’ll give you a card if we remember. Mato will even draw something on the back of the card if you request it!
Camp Fangamer Mods Needed
Camp Fangamer starts really soon, and Fangamer asked me if any Poemato CX chatters would like to help moderate the Twitch chat during Fangamer’s live streams on Saturday and Sunday. I’d only feel comfortable giving mods to current Poemato CX mods and Poemato CX regulars/oldbies, so if you’re interested, let me and Poe know on […]
Trans-America Quiz Full Stream Archive
The other day I posted a link to a “highlights” version of our recent Trans-America Ultra Quiz stream, but if you’re a fan of the full Poemato CX experience, here’s the full 2+ hours for you to enjoy! That ending, man…
Trans-America Ultra Quiz Playthrough!
Yesterday, Poe and I finally played Trans-America Ultra Quiz for the Japanese Famicom – the last time we played it was exactly one year before, and we did horribly. But this time I had some stuff that helped me cheat, so we set out to complete the game once and for all! The stream was […]
More Weird Japanese Games About America!
Last 4th of July (America’s Independence Day) marks Poemato CX’s first real foray into streaming and live-translating, so it’s a big day for us! We celebrated by playing a bunch of weird Japanese games about America, and it was a lot of fun. It’s been a year since, and after my humiliating defeat on the […]